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Voyages Éducation
Développeur Ministero dei beni e delle attivita culturali e del turismo


iMiBACT Culture is mobile
The first application that has transformed your mobile into a smARTphone

:: Discover the new version for 2014 ::
New graphic design, new content also in English, the exhibitions in progress and more than 500 cultural sites on your iPhone and iPad!
Download free and discover all the apps of MiBACT.

The iMiBACT project, the first of its kind at the international level, was created to promote art and culture through new instruments of communication.
iMiBACT MUSEUM is the first institutional app devoted to the cultural heritage, the first in a series of the project promoted by the General Directorate of Management and Promotion of Cultural Heritage of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, developed and coordinated by RAGÙ Communication.

iMiBACT presents ALL the museums and national archeological areas of Italy.

• SITES: over 500 museums and national archeological areas of Italy.
All the general visitor information about access; contact information, website address, opening hours, admission fees and guided tours. But also brief histories and critical commentary about the museum collections and archeological excavations, as well as a selection of images of key works, with zoom function to view details. Listen to musical pieces selected to create the right atmosphere for the featured art works and view the map of excavations.

• MAP: georeferencing of all museums and sites featured in the app and the cultural itineraries they are part of.

• ITINERARIES: visit the thematic itineraries prepared by the editors of Cultura Italia.

• MORE: see all the MiBACT scheduled events, the most important exhibitions in progress in Italy and enjoy reading brief sketches on the Italian cultural heritage.

Texts by the Supervisory Authorities and Museum Directorates to which they refer.

We would like to thank the following for their precious collaboration:
“’GenusBononiae’ - Musei nella Città”, which contributed to the app with its cultural, artistic and museum itinerary divided among buildings located in downtown Bologna that have been restored and recuperated for public use.
Scala Group and Alinari Archives for their kind permission to use images.

All rights reserved.